ABOVE: The Main Hall at Asheldham (2015), technically the Nave, looking south east.....old furniture, old lighting.

ABOVE: The Main Hall at Asheldham (2015) .... the Nave looking west.....new furniture and lighting

ABOVE: Looking into the western end of the Main Hall (Nave) from the old main entrance - not used since 1959

ABOVE: Aerial view from leaders' accommodation area

ABOVE: The Field Studies Room, used also as a dining room. 

ABOVE: The Lower Dorm. Sleeps 10. The Management Team would like to point out we were/are not responsible for this colour scheme!

ABOVE: The Upper Dorm. Sleeps 10.

ABOVE: ........................... 'Stairway to Heaven' .....well, the leader's dorms: same thing really (!)